So, the graffiti in Buenos Aires basically sucks. You mostly see shitty throw-ups everywhere that say things like "The Ramones" or "Fuera Bush" - it all looks like it was done by a retarded twelve year old whos been huffing more paint than ends up on the wall. The only redemption are some really nice stencils, some examples of (and not nearly the best ones) you can see here.
But about this whole Bush thing, here is my position- doing Anti-Bush Graffiti is pretty much the stupidest thing you can be doing with your time. What do you think happens, some square is getting into a taxi and then hes like "Whoa.. "Fuck Bush"... I never thought about it like that! I've got to do something, I'm gonna turn my car into a Bio-Diesel!" Its preaching to the choir in the most rediculous way.
In Buenos Aires most of the graffiti was done when Bush visited, which makes a bit more sense, but still. Argentina hates Bush anyway, and yet their government allows him to visit. So what do you do? Well, obviously, you give your city a barely legible jailhouse tattoo of Bush's name, so even years from now you will have a daily reminder of your political impotence. For all it´s efficacy, you might as well be writing "REAGAN SUX" and throw in a Dead Kennedys symbol.
I was going to do a "Bush Graffiti Review" for this blog, but it wasn't even funny. Lets see, theres "Fuera Bush", "Bush=Fashismo" (No, Bush is just a shitty president. Musollini was a facsist. Actually, mister 16 year old graffiti whiz, your boy Che was more aligned with fascism than Bush), then theres just "BUSH" with swastika in place of the "S" (Whoa, dude, you cracked the case! Bush is a Nazi in disguise! He's gonna start up concentration camps, and then grow one of those little Moustaches! Thats when we will all see the truth, but it will be too late).
My most hated example of this was the wishy-washy "Patria, Si! Bush, No!". "Patria" means "mother country". I couldn't tell if this rebel was pro-Argentina or just into nationalism in general. Hes like "Hey, I like blind patriotism as much as the next guy, but this Bush is too much.".
The one you see above was probably the best one I found. At least this guy put some effort into it, gave it a nice look, and "50 Barrels of Oil"- thats funny.
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